Dear friends many of you don’t know this but in early March I went to the Honda Classic for the second year in a row and Jack Nicklaus (The Golden Bear) helped Caddy For A Cure for the second year in a row as well as Kenny G the amazing saxaphone player, Jason Taylor and don’t forget Tim Tebow. Believe it or not my brothers had talked about him for years and I didn’t really get hyped up and become a Tebow fan but that day when I met him and he helped our charity and after I saw he was a one of a kind guy that is how I became a Tim Tebow fan and at the end of the day I’m glad I he didn’t hit me with his golf ball and I’m glad I became a fan of his because a gave me his signed golf glove and was so nice to our caddies the Bowen family Angel, Dylan, Dave and Blair and our Wounded Warriors who escorted the group, the warriors gave me a special SOCOM challenge coin and Blair who was already a Tebow fan and the entire Bowen family which already loved the Gators, Dillon got to wear Tebows hat all day and Tim even let him keep it at the end and he signed it and then the Holdens, Bowens, the warriors and I went to dinner where we said our goodbyes to each other and our buddy and ex Navy Seal Steve Kuptcha (Kup) who also gave me an awesome Birdies For The Brave challenge coin. wow what a great day for such a worthy cause until next time which will be Hilton Head which is the up coming week since the Masters just ended. Tune in Same Golf Time Same Golf Site.